COREWAVE™ Therapy for ED

Low Intensity Shock Wave technology is one of the only methods available in regaining natural erections. It has been used world wide and has been effective for thousands of men.

How is COREWAVE Therapy Different?

Do you know who is treating your ED. 

All COREWAVE providers are urologist and sexual medicine physicians.  They all have specific training in erectile dysfunction. 

At Regen E.D. we understand that not everyone's degree of erectile dysfunction is the same. COREWAVE Therapy is different than other low intensity shockwave therapy.  At Regen ED we have mastered the technology and use proprietary settings and techniques that match the degree of your erectile dysfunction and allow you to get the best results.  Therefore, it is individualized for you. 

How Does COREWAVE Therapy Work?

Most of erectile dysfunction is caused by vascular problems.  COREWAVE Therapy is one of the few forms of technologies in the world found to improve erectile dysfunction by improving blood flow. Low intensity shock wave therapy has been used in Europe for decades. It works by increasing blood vessel formation called angiogenesis and increases nitric oxide formation to the penis by using waves.  COREWAVE Therapy uses the technology of low intensity shockwave therapy with proprietary settings for your personal degree of erectile dysfunction.


Is not painful

There is no downtime 

No surgery 

An office procedure lasting less than thirty minutes  

Can allow you to have your natural erections back*     

Does It Hurt?

Unlike some traditional low intensity shock wave therapy, COREWAVE is painless.  There may be a sense of tingling in penis during treatment.

How Safe Is COREWAVE Therapy?

Low intensity shock wave therapy has been used to treat thousands of men world wide for E.D. and in other areas of medicine, including the heart, muscles, tendons and prostate. Low intensity shock wave has a long safety record. As with any treatment there are some risks, but they are rare. Medications and the penile implant also have a number risks.  Risks associated with low intensity shock wave can be bruising, hematoma, and extremely rare cases of scarring of the penile tissue.

How Do The Treatment Programs Work?

The Regen E.D. programs are based on your individual erectile dysfunction needs.  The treatment protocols will vary depending on what is required to obtain your maximal function. For some men the program may occur over 3 weeks to a month. Maintenance treatments may also be needed and are built into programs.

How Long Does It Take For The Treatments To Work?

Rehabilitation of the penis may take up to eight weeks to begin to see a noticeable difference. Some of our men notice changes after just two weeks.  During the time you are undergoing treatment we will treat your erectile dysfunction enabling you to start the process of having intercourse. 

Is COREWAVE Therapy All I Will Need?

At Regen E.D. our goal is to treat your erections and help to rehabilitate your penis leading you to a more natural erection. We take an in depth look at the severity of your erection and your hormonal status. Depending on your needs our propriety COREWAVE therapy with or with out Platelet Rich Plasma may be the only treatment you need. For others this could be combined with testosterone management, nitric oxide supplementation and other traditional ED therapies.

Is COREWAVE Therapy For Everyone?

COREWAVE therapy is more likely to work with men that have vasculogenic erectile dysfunction meaning a problem with blood flow of the penis.  This means that these men are more likely to have ED caused by older age, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol, and smoking.  RegenWave Therapy and any therapies at Regen E.D. may not work for everyone. 

How likely is COREWAVE Therapy To Work?

According to studies low intensity shock wave  can work in up to 70% of selected men. The best results are from men that have erectile dysfunction that is either mild or moderate. This means that low intensity shockwave works best in men that use medications or over the counter medications.  Low Intensity Shockwave has been shown to convert men that no longer respond to oral medication to respond again. Low intensity shock wave therapy can also help give natural erections to men that are using injection therapy. 

*Individual results may vary

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This web site is a repository of publicly available information, and is not intended to form a physician-patient relationship with any individual. Individual urologic conditions, treatment, results and recovery times may vary. The information presented on this web site is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you. The information contained herein is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge. Each patient’s experience with procedures described herein will differ.

The use of stem cells or stem cell rich tissue, platelet rich plasma, and low intensity shockwave therapy, COREWAVE™ Therapy, pharmaceutical, mechanical, or herbal nutrients is not FDA approved to cure, combat, prevent, or reverse erectile dysfunction. The science of treatment of stem cells is in its infancy. This website and the information featured, showcased, or otherwise appearing on it is not to be used as a substitue for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Those that visit this website should not rely on information featured, showcased, or otherwise appearing on it to be used as a substitue for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health condition or problem. Regen E.D. makes no guarantees, warranties or express or implied representation of curing erectile dysfunction or with regard to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, comparative or controversial nature of usefulness of any information contained or referenced on this website. For most diseases, no prospective randomized clinical trials of adult stem cells have been performed, therefore no guarantee of safety or effectiveness is made or implied. Health-related information and opinions change frequently and therefore information contained on this website may be outdated, incomplete, or incorrect.

The opinions expressed in patient testimonials are by patients only; they are not qualified medical professionals. These opinions should not be relied upon as, or in place of, the medical advice of a licensed doctor or other health care provider.

All statements made about products, drugs, and treatments on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. In addition any testimonials appearing on this website are based on the experiences of a few people and individual results will vary. Use of this website does not create an expressed or implied professional relationship.